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Sirius Health Now

Focusing on Stress Management and practical ways to manage demands.

  • 1 hour
  • 750 euros
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

There are an increasing number of business owners, managers, executives and corporate employees affected by mental illness at a tremendous cost to personal and professional life and wellbeing. The statistics are that 1 in 4 will experience mental illness which means you as an employer are faced with a 1 in 4 chance of being affected yourself and/or a quarter of your team being affected. As a business owner/senior manager what would it look like to be totally removed from office for 6-8 weeks without notice? As a corporate employer what would it look like to you to have 25% of your team removed from work for 6-8 weeks? What measures have you put in place to counter this very real threat? Consider this 2 hour presentation program NOW You and your team are priceless. As a leader you need to be at your best and your team need to be expressing that best expression that made you employ them in the first place. Now consider this in the context of you, your senior management or executive team and what it would look like? What would the likely cost be? If you have a program in place that addresses this challenge then great. If not. Work-Life balance is different for everybody. No matter who or what if there is not a balance something will give and usually its our health. A balance must included all aspects of the self - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and interpersonal. For optimum performance and to live life fully means having An Integral Practice. This is a set practice which ensures you balance all the modalities and roles you play in your life. Our parents, teachers, friends and even ourselves have conditioned our selves into the life we are living. It's time to peel back the conditioned layers to reveal the un-conditioned self or Authentic Self and the Life You Were Meant to Live. As an expert in mastery of consciousness and transpersonal psychology in this 2 hour presentation Ronan employs a combination of self-inquiry, mastery of thinking & transpersonal psychology. His keynotes, training & coaching programs are empathetic & motivating and eradicate stress, reignite passion for life and re-connect participants with the authentic Self their best expression. Cost: €750 payable in advance subject to 100% satisfaction money back guarantee.

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